*ENGLISH Chinese Study Course 英語で学ぶ中国語講座

➁Modification of Nouns in Chinese


Chinese Study Course
Chinese Study Course

You can naturally acquire knowledge of Chinese grammar in a short period by lying down at home and reading our contents looking at your mobile phone or tablet.

➀Basic Pronouns in Chinese
➀Basic Pronouns in Chinese

In Chinese the nominative and objective cases of personal pronouns have the same shape. Let's see personal , possessive, demonstrative & interrogative pronouns.

➁Modification of Nouns in Chinese
➁Modification of Nouns in Chinese

When modifying nouns with other nouns, use the Structural particle "的" as noun + "的" + noun, as in "老师的词典". Also use it for phrases and sentences like "向海关提交的".

③Verb Usage "是/喜欢"
③Verb Usage "是/喜欢"

Basic usage of verbs, How to form interrogative sentences, Separate verbs that combines the verb and the object into one and separates unique to Chinese.

④Verb Usage "有/在"
④Verb Usage "有/在"

In Lesson 4, we will study how to use the unique verb "有" (Possession, 「A有B.( A have B. )」 & Existence, 「P有B.」 ) and "在"(Location, 「A在P.」) in Chinese in detail.

⑤Particle "了"
⑤Particle "了"

Explains in detail the difference between the usage of aspect particle "了" and speech particle "了". Aspect particle "了" is used immediately after the verb. V +了.

⑥Particle "过"&"着"
⑥Particle "过"&"着"

Aspect particle "过" expresses "completion/conclusion of experience or action". "着" follows verbs in which movement is still and indicates a sustained state.

⑦Result Complement
⑦Result Complement

A "result complement" is a complement that expresses the result of an action. It is used in the form of "verb + result complement". Ex:) understand by listening.

⑧Directional Complement
⑧Directional Complement

A directional complement is a complement that indicates the direction in which an action is performed or the direction in which a state progresses. Ex: 走+进+教室

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Chinese Study Course
➀Basic Pronouns in Chinese
➁Modification of Nouns in Chinese
③Verb Usage "是/喜欢"
④Verb Usage "有/在"
⑤Particle "了"
⑥Particle "过"&"着"
⑦Result Complement
⑧Directional Complement
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Chinese Study Course [ Lesson2 ]


Hello everyone. I'm Goyan. In Lesson 2, we will review the modification of nouns in Chinese.


Starting with Lesson 2, the Chinese example sentences are accompanied by native speaker audio. Please listen carefully as it will be repeated three times.

2-1 Modifying nouns with pronouns


Nice to meet you. I'm Chappy. I show up sometimes. Remember me too!
By the way, we already studied the possessive form of personal pronouns and the conjunctive form of demonstrative pronouns in Lesson 1.

your luggage
nín de xíng lǐ 。
◆Detailed explanation
您的(personal pronoun possessive)+行李(noun)
(note)”的" is a "Structural particle" used to modify nouns.

2-2 Modifying nouns with other nouns

(1) normal usage


When modifying nouns with other nouns, use the Structural particle "的" as noun + "的" + noun, as in "老师的词典".

teacher's dictionary
lǎo shī de cí diǎn 。
◆Detailed explanation
老师(noun:teacher)+的(structural particle)+词典(noun:dictionary)

(2) Cases where the structural particle "的" is omitted


When a personal pronoun modifies a noun, the structural particle "的'' is usually omitted when there is a relationship such as "relative name'', "human relationship'', or "group to which one belongs''.


  • 「你家」your home
  • 「我们学校」our school
  • 「我爸爸」my father
  • 「你的班」your class

When a noun modifies another noun, don't use the structural particle "的'' if the noun has a strong connection with the noun behind it.


  • 「中文杂志」Chinese Magazine
  • 「中国朋友」Chinese friends
  • 「四川菜」Sichuan Cuisine
  • 「体育老师」Physical Education Teacher
  • 「历史问题」Historical Issues
  • 「民营企业」private company


2-3 Modifying nouns with to-infinitives, participles and relative pronouns


Consider sentences in English that use to-infinitives, participles, and relative pronoun modifiers to describe nouns in detail. When you want to express the sentence in Chinese, put a phrase or sentence such as "向海关提交的" before the noun of “申报单.” The grammatical structure for modifiers of nouns is "phrase or sentence + structural particle '的' + noun."

In English, to-infinitives, participles, and relative pronouns are used to describe nouns in detail, but Chinese usages to modify nouns is simpler in structure and form than English.

Do you have a declaration to submit to customs?
yǒu xiàng hǎi guān tí jiāo de shēn bào dān ma ?
◆Detailed explanation
(subject omission)+有(verb)+向海关提交(noun modifier)+的(structural particle)+申报单(noun)+吗(speech particle, question)?
・向海关提交(noun modifier)➡向海关(prepositional phrase:向preposition+海关noun)+提交(verb)

This is the end of today's study. I hope you have understood how nouns are modified in Japanese and Chinese. See you next time!

See you again!



