*ENGLISH Japanese Study Course

❽Possible Expressions [1]



Extra : Let's enjoy Japanese Heroine Songs!
Extra : Let's enjoy Japanese Heroine Songs!

We introduce how to study Japanese while listening to Japanese heroine anime songs. キューティーハニー, エースをねらえ, アタックNo.1, 魔女っ子メグちゃん, Japanese Songs, @Kanbe_Ryusho2023

Extra Lesson: Let's sing Japanese Karaoke!
Extra Lesson: Let's sing Japanese Karaoke!

This time is an extra lesson. We will introduce how to study Japanese while enjoying original YouTube karaoke videos. Enjoy nostalgic anime & hero theme songs!

Japanese Study Course
Japanese Study Course

This is a free online teaching material for foreigners to learn Japanese. The course is designed that you can naturally acquire knowledge by lying down at home.

❶Basic Pronouns
❶Basic Pronouns

Pronouns are the basis of grammar. Now, let's check the list of personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, and interrogative pronouns.

❷Modification of Nouns
❷Modification of Nouns

Modifying nouns with pronouns, other nouns, to-infinitives, participles and relative pronouns. Example, in Japanese usage, 'noun + "の" + noun', as in '先生の辞書'.

❸Noun/Adjective Predicate
❸Noun/Adjective Predicate

"A は B です" is called a noun predicate sentence. - "A は B が好きです" is called an adjective predicate sentence. "好きです" consists of 'Adject + Auxiliary verb'. No verb

❹Verbal predicate sentences
❹Verbal predicate sentences

Japanese grammatical constructions like "A は B を・・・。" are called verbal predicate sentences. The predicate part "・・・" consists of 'a verb + an auxiliary verb'.

❺Past tense of verbs and auxiliary verbs
❺Past tense of verbs and auxiliary verbs

If you want to say, "I bought two dictionaries." in Japanese, you would normally say "私は2冊辞書を買った。" To put it politely, it's "私は2冊辞書を買いました。"ます" ➡Past tense "ました"

❻Present/Past Progressive Tenses
❻Present/Past Progressive Tenses


❼Verb Situational Expressions
❼Verb Situational Expressions

Verb expressions that indicate the situation have the same form as the present progressive tense. However, that is not progressive action but shows situation.

❽Possible Expressions [1]
❽Possible Expressions [1]

If you want to say, "I can speak English." in Japanese, you would politely say "私は英語ができます。". In another Japanese expression, you would say "私は英語を話すことができます。".

❾Possible Expressions [2]
❾Possible Expressions [2]

We will study verbs that indicate "possible" in Japanese. The verb "買う(buy)" was studied in lesson 5, let me introduce a verb "買える" that indicate "can buy".

➓Future Tense Expression
➓Future Tense Expression

"Shohei Ohtani will not pitch in the baseball game tomorrow." in Japanese, you would normally say "大谷翔平は明日の野球の試合で投げないだろう。". Future tense same as present tense.

⓫Guess/Conviction Expressions
⓫Guess/Conviction Expressions

Guess, Conviction, Verb(basic)/Noun/Adj+かもしれない, Possibility Guess, May be, Subjective Conviction, Must be, Objective Conjecture, Should be.

⓬Expressions of Desire
⓬Expressions of Desire

About expressions of desire, if you want to say, "I want to go on a trip with my friends during the summer vacation." in Japanese, you say "私は夏休みに友達と旅行がしたいです。".

⓭Expressions of Permissions and Prohibitions
⓭Expressions of Permissions and Prohibitions

We will study the expressions of permissions and prohibitions. "Can I go to Shibuya with my friends tomorrow?" in Japanese, you can say "私は明日、友達と渋谷に行ってもいいですか。".

⓮Expressions of Invitation & Intention
⓮Expressions of Invitation & Intention

Let's study the expressions of invitation & intention such as "Would you like to…/ Let's do…" for invitation & "I would like to…/ I'm going to…" for intention.

⓯Expressions of Requests
⓯Expressions of Requests

Let's study expressions of requests such as "Please do …" or "Will you please do…". If you want to say, "Please open the window." in Japanese, "窓を開けてください。".

⓰Expressions of "S+V+O+O"
⓰Expressions of "S+V+O+O"

Let's study expressions with two objects such as the pattern S+V+O+O like "I will give her a birthday present." You say "私は彼女に誕生日のプレゼントをあげようと思います。" in Japanese.

⓱Expressions by verb conjunctive form
⓱Expressions by verb conjunctive form

In lesson 17, we'll review the Expressions by verb conjunctive form we have already studied before. Also let's study new usages such as "・・・していきます/・・・してきます" .

⓲Usage of "i-type" adjectives
⓲Usage of "i-type" adjectives

Two types of Japanese adjectives: i-type and na-type. In Lesson 18, we study the usage of i-type adjectives. ex:"赤いリンゴ(a red apple)" or "高い山(a high mountain)".

⓳Usage of "na-type" adjectives
⓳Usage of "na-type" adjectives

Let's study "Usage of na-type adjectives." For example, "きれいな先生", "静かな音楽". They can also be used as an adjective predicate sentence, such as "この音楽は静かだ/静かではない。".

⓴Usage of Particles "が"&"は"
⓴Usage of Particles "が"&"は"

In Lesson 20, we will study the usage of particle "が" & "は". These two particles are similar in usage, so we will explain in detail how to use them differently.

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Extra : Let's enjoy Japanese Heroine Songs!
Extra Lesson: Let's sing Japanese Karaoke!
Japanese Study Course
❶Basic Pronouns
❷Modification of Nouns
❸Noun/Adjective Predicate
❹Verbal predicate sentences
❺Past tense of verbs and auxiliary verbs
❻Present/Past Progressive Tenses
❼Verb Situational Expressions
❽Possible Expressions [1]
❾Possible Expressions [2]
➓Future Tense Expression
⓫Guess/Conviction Expressions
⓬Expressions of Desire
⓭Expressions of Permissions and Prohibitions
⓮Expressions of Invitation & Intention
⓯Expressions of Requests
⓰Expressions of "S+V+O+O"
⓱Expressions by verb conjunctive form
⓲Usage of "i-type" adjectives
⓳Usage of "na-type" adjectives
⓴Usage of Particles "が"&"は"
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Japanese Study Course Lesson8


Hello everyone. I'm JJ. Nice to meet you! Welcome to Japanese Study Course. In lesson 8, we will study possible expressions in Japanese. For example, there are three ways to say "I can speak English." in Japanese.
➀ 私は英語ができます。
➁ 私は英語を話すことができます。
③ 私は英語を話せます。
First of all, let's study ➀&➁ this time!


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In Ryusho Kanbe's room, we have just introduced the text-to-speech software "Ondoku-san". Please make full use of the Japanese audio and further improve your Japanese language skills.
Created By ondoku3.com

8-1 〇〇ができます

Possible Expressions ➀ ➡ "〇〇(noun)が できる/できます "


  • I can speak English.
  • Ordinary:私は英語ができる。
  • Politely:私は英語ができます。
  • Replacing "できる" with "できます" makes it more polite.
  • This expression is a simple form that focuses on whether or not I can speak English, so the verb "話す(speak)" does not appear.

Detailed explanation

  • Ordinary:私は英語ができる。
  • Polite sentence:私は英語ができます。
  • 私(title)+は(title particle)
  • +英語(subject)+が(nominative particle)
  • +できる(verb, basic form)/ +でき(verb, consecutive form)+ます(auxiliary verb, polite)。
  • If you write "できる" in kanji, it becomes "出来る".

Vocabulary note

英語      :(noun) English
できる(出来る):(verb) can do
 ◆Advanced Study Conjugation of the verb "できる"(Upper one-step)
Negative form
Auxiliary verb "ない" is added after
I cannot play tennis.
Consecutive form
Auxiliary verb "ます/ません/ました" is added after
I can speak English.
Past tense form
Auxiliary verb "た" is added after
I could cook when I was a child.

※The expression "できた" is also used in other ways, such as:
You can also use it to mean that you have finished, as in "I finished my homework before dinner.(宿題が夕食前にできた。)"
Conjunctive form
Conjunction particle "て" is added after
She knows the basics of Japanese cuisine.

※The expression "できている/できています" is also used in other ways, such as:
1) It can also be used to mean that everything is ready, such as "I'm ready for tonight's meal.(今晩の食事の準備ができている)"
2) It is also used when explaining the material, such as "This ornament is made of metal.(この置物は金属でできている)"
Basic form
can do
Adnominal form
Noun is added after
You shouldn't ask others to do what you can do yourself.
Hypothesis form
Conjunction particle "ば" is added after
If possible, I would like to take a day off tomorrow, is that okay?
Imperative form
The form for giving orders
These imperative forms are not used very often.

The conjugation of the verb "できる" is called the upper one-step conjugation of the verb because they all include the "i" sound, such as "でない,でます,できる,できれば,できろ".


  • She can play tennis.
  • Ordinary:彼女はテニスができる。
  • Politely:彼女はテニスができます。
  • Replacing "できる" with "できます" makes it more polite.
  • This expression is a simple form that focuses on whether or not she can play tennis, so the verb "する(play)" does not appear.

Detailed explanation

  • Ordinary:彼女はテニスができる。
  • Polite sentence:彼女はテニスができます。
  • 彼女(title)+は(title particle)
  • +テニス(subject)+が(nominative particle)
  • +できる(verb, basic form)/ +でき(verb, consecutive form)+ます(auxiliary verb, polite)。

Vocabulary note

テニス:(noun) tennis


8-2 〇〇をすることができます

Possible Expressions ➁ ➡ "〇〇する(verb, adnominal form)ことができる/できます "


  • I can speak English.
  • Ordinary:私は英語を話すことができる。
  • Politely:私は英語を話すことができます。
  • Replacing "できる" with "できます" makes it more polite.

Detailed explanation

  • Ordinary:私は英語を話すことができる。
  • Polite sentence:私は英語を話すことができます。
  • 私(title)+は(title particle)
  • +英語を話すこと(subject)+が(nominative particle)
  • +できる(verb, basic form)/ +でき(verb, consecutive form)+ます(auxiliary verb, polite)。
  • ※「英語を話すこと(subject)」➡英語(object)+を(objective particle)+話す(verb, adnominal form)+こと(noun)

Vocabulary note

話す      :(verb) speak, talk


  • If you want to say, "She can play tennis." in another Japanese expression, you would normally say "彼女はテニスをすることができる。".
  • To put it politely, it's "彼女はテニスをすることができます。". Replacing "できる" with "できます" makes it more polite.

Detailed explanation

  • Ordinary:彼女はテニスをすることができる。
  • Polite sentence:彼女はテニスをすることができます。
  • 彼女(title)+は(title particle)
  • +テニスをすること(subject)+が(nominative particle)
  • +できる(verb, basic form)/ +でき(verb, consecutive form)+ます(auxiliary verb, polite)。
  • ※「テニスをすること(subject)」➡テニス(object)+を(objective particle)+する(verb, adnominal form)+こと(noun)

Vocabulary note

する:(verb) do, play
 ◆Advanced Study Conjugation of the verb "する"('sa-line' specific)
Negative form
Auxiliary verb "ない" is added after
My father doesn't play tennis.
Consecutive form
Auxiliary verb "ます/ません/ました" is added after
My mother plays tennis.
Past tense form
Auxiliary verb "た" is added after
I played tennis with my friend yesterday.
Conjunctive form
Conjunction particle "て" is added after
I am playing tennis now.
Basic form
do, play
Adnominal form
Noun is added after
She can play tennis.
Hypothesis form
Conjunction particle "ば" is added after
It would be fun if you played tennis too.
Imperative form
The form for giving orders
Get up early in the morning and exercise for your health!
Intentional form
Auxiliary verb "う" is added after
I'm not good at getting up early, so I don't think I'll play tennis early in the morning.

The conjugation form of the verb "する" takes the unique form of "shi, shi, suru, sure, shiro" like "ない,ます,する,すれば,しよう", so it is called the 'sa-line' specific conjugation of verbs

The verb "する" is the same conjugation as "勉強する" or "卒業する" that we have learned so far.

Rabbit Boy
Rabbit Boy

勉強する:(verb) study ➡ ❻Present/Past Progressive Tenses

卒業する:(verb) graduate ➡ ❼Situational Expressions


  • You can see cherry blossoms from mid-March this year.
  • Ordinary:今年は3月中旬から桜を見ることができる。
  • Politely:今年は3月中旬から桜を見ることができます。
  • Replacing "できる" with "できます" makes it more polite.

Detailed explanation

  • Ordinary:今年は3月中旬から桜を見ることができる。
  • Polite sentence:今年は3月中旬から桜の開花を見ることができます。
  • 今年(title)+は(title particle)
  • +3月中旬(time)+から(particle, indicating the starting point of a range)
  • +桜を見ること(subject)+が(nominative particle)
  • +できる(verb, basic form)/ +でき(verb, consecutive form)+ます(auxiliary verb, polite)。
  • ※「桜を見ること(subject)」➡桜(object)+を(objective particle)+見る(verb, adnominal form)+こと(noun)

Vocabulary note

今年:(noun) this year
3月:(noun) March
中旬:(noun) mid
から:(particle) particle that indicates the starting point of a range
桜 :(noun) cherry blossoms

We studied the verb "見る" in Lesson 6.

Rabbit Boy
Rabbit Boy

見る:(verb) watch, look, see ➡ ❻Present/Past Progressive Tenses


Today's lesson ends here. Ladies and gentlemen, did you understand today's theme "Possible Expressions"? Next time, we will continue to study possible expressions in detail. See you!

See you next time!

Rabbit Boy
Rabbit Boy
Japanese Study Course
Japanese Study Course

This is a free online teaching material for foreigners to learn Japanese. The course is designed that you can naturally acquire knowledge by lying down at home.



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Chinese Study Course

This is a free online teaching material for foreigners to learn Chinese. The best feature of the course is designed that you can naturally acquire knowledge by lying down at home and reading the content while looking at your mobile phone or tablet.

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Consul General Harris requested "Conclusion of the Japan-US Commerce Treaty." Against Harris's assert, Tairo Naosuke Ii responded brilliantly and paved the way for the opening of the Yokohama port.

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I introduce my YouTube videos, landscape photos. In addition of photos and videos in Japan, maps of places taken photos, travel information, my impressions.

Beautiful landscape of Japan
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Hakodate & Southern Hokkaido Special (Autumn)
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YouTube video (Fireworks display)
YouTube video (Fireworks display)

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Ryukyu Dynasty
❶Two Great Samurais & American sages
❷Two Great Samurais & American sages
Beautiful Landscape
Beautiful landscape of Japan
Hakodate & Southern Hokkaido Special (Autumn)
YouTube video (Fireworks display)
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