Chinese Study Course [ Lesson8 ]
8-1 Directional Complement
(1)What is a directional complement?
Directional Complement
- A directional complement is a complement that indicates the direction in which an action is performed or the direction in which a state progresses.
- "来, 去, 上, 下, 进, 出, 回, 过, 起, 到" is called a "simple directional complement".
- Furthermore, a combination of the simple directional complements "上, 下, 进, 出, 回, 过, 起, 到" and the simple directional complement "来" or "去" is called a "compound directional complement".
Please bring in your outer clothes. |
请把外面的衣服收进来。 |
qǐng bǎ wài miàn de yī fú shōu jìn lái 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 请(honorific)+把外面的衣服(prepositional phrase/"把" grammatical construction)+收(verb)+进来(directional complement)。 ※Originally, it would be "请" (verb) + "把外面的衣服收进来" (the object of "请"), but since the explanation is complicated, "请" is organized as a simple honorific. |
◆Vocabulary note 外面:(azimuth) outside 收 :(verb) take in 进来:(directional complement) a directional complement to clarify movement from outside to inside |

"收进来" is a combination of the verb "収" + the directional complement "进来". As you can see in the table below, "进来" means "Entering" from the outside, so "收进来" becomes "take in".
(2)List of Directional complements
Simple DC | Meanings | Compound DC +来 | Compound DC +去 |
上 | Climb from a low place to a high place | 上来 | 上去 |
下 | Descending from a high place to a low place | 下来 | 下去 |
进 | Enter from outside to inside | 进来 | 进去 |
出 | Go out from the inside | 出来 | 出去 |
回 | Return to original location | 回来 | 回去 |
过 | Passing a waypoint | 过来 | 过去 |
起 | Go up and get up | 起来 | - |
到 | To reach a certain place | 到~来 | 到~去 |
(3)Word Order of Directional Complements and Objects

In the example, "请包外面的服收向来。" is a "把" grammatical construction, so I don't think you were concerned about the position of the object, but there are word order rules when using the objects in the normal order. In the case of simple directional complements(上, 下, 入, 出, 回, 过, 起, 至), the object is after the directional complement.
Let's start with a simple example. "走 (verb) + 进 (direction complement) + 教室 (object)"!

Walk into the classroom. |
走进教室。 |
zǒu jìn jiào shì 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 走(verb)+进(directional complement)+教室(object)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 走:(verb) walk ※"Run" is "跑". |

In the case of simple directional complements (来, 去) or compound directional complements, as a general rule, the object is before "来" and "去". "来" and "去" are separated and attached to the back.
Oh! The order is "回 (verb) + 家 (object) + 去 (direction complement)"!

It's getting dark, go home quickly. |
天黒了,快回家去。 |
tiān hēi le ,kuài huí jiā qù 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 天黒(verb)+了(speech particle),快(adverb)+回(verb)∔家(object/place)+去(directional complement)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 天黒:(verb) getting dark 回 :(verb) go back |
Next is the order of "拿 (verb) + 出 (direction complement) + 本子 (object) + 来 (direction complement)"! In short, it should be understood that "来" is attached to the end.

You take out your notebook! |
你拿出本子来! |
nǐ ná chū běn zǐ lái ! |
◆Detailed explanation 你(subject)+拿(verb)+出(directional complement)+本子(object)+来(directional complement)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 拿 :(verb) take out 本子:(noun) notebook |

Now, Chappie, I have a question. Please say "He entered the classroom." in Chinese?

Yes, you are correct. When a verb has an object and you use the direction modifier '来' and the speech particle '了', the speech particle '了' must be placed at the end of the sentence. Do not put it in any other position.
8-2 Derived meaning of Directional complement

The "derivative meaning of the directional complement" is a usage in which the meaning is further derived from the concept of direction by expanding the intended image of the word. I think it's easier to understand if you look at specifics.
(1) 動詞+下去(Directional complement)
讲下去 continue talking

If the verb "讲" is added with the directional complement "下去", it means "to speak continuously". The meaning is quite different from the original "going in the downward direction".
Please continue talking. |
请你再讲下去。 |
qǐng nǐ zài jiǎng xià qù 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 请(honorific)+你(subject)+再(adverb)+讲下去(verb+derived meaning of directional complement) |
◆Vocabulary note 讲 :(verb) talk/speak 讲下去:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) continue talking |
(2) 動詞+下来(Directional complement)
记下来 write down
Have you written down what the teacher said? |
老师讲的话你都记下来了吗? |
lǎo shī jiǎng de huà nǐ dō jì xià lái le ma ? |
◆Detailed explanation 老师讲的话(topic)+你(subject)+都(adverb)+记下来(verb+derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)+吗(speech particle)? |
◆Vocabulary note 老师 :(noun) teacher 都 :(adverb) all 记 :(verb) write/record 记下来:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) write down |
(3) 動詞+出来(Directional complement)
看出来 I can see it

"看出来" means "you can see it". It's "practice makes perfect". Don't think about it, just get used to it.
There is a spelling error here, do you spot it? |
这儿有一个错字,你们看出来了吗? |
zhè ér yǒu yí gè cuò zì ,nǐ men kàn chū lái le ma ? |
◆Detailed explanation 这儿(place)+有(verb)+一个错字(object),你们(subject)+看出来(verb+derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)+吗(speech particle)? |
◆Vocabulary note 错字 :(noun) spelling error 看出来:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) I can see it |
(4) 動詞+过来(Directional complement)
醒过来 come to
He came to his senses. |
他醒过来了。 |
tā xǐng guò lái le 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 他(subject)+醒过来(verb+derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)? |
◆Vocabulary note 醒 :(verb) Wake up 醒过来:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) come to |
(5) 動詞+起来(方向補語)
笑起来 start laughing
After hearing what he said, everyone started laughing. |
听了他的话,大家都笑起来了。 |
tīng le tā de huà ,dà jiā dō xiào qǐ lái le 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 听(verb)+了(aspect particle)+他的话(object),大家(subject)+都(adverb)+笑起来(verb+derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 笑起来:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) start laughing |
多起来 be increasing
The number of people who can speak English has been increasing in recent years. |
这几年会说英语的人多起来了。 |
zhè jǐ nián huì shuō yīng yǔ de rén duō qǐ lái le 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 这几年(time)+会说英语的人(subject)+多起来(verb+derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 多起来:(動詞+方向補語派生義) be increasing |
收起来 put away

You can put away the used books. |
用过的书你可以收起来了。 |
yòng guò de shū nǐ kě yǐ shōu qǐ lái le 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 用过的书(title)+你(subject)+可以(auxiliary verb)+收起来(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement)+了(speech particle)。 |
◆Vocabulary note 收起来:(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) put away |
用起来 to use
This pen is very convenient to use. |
这枝笔用起来很方便。 |
zhè zhī bǐ yòng qǐ lái hěn fāng biàn 。 |
◆Detailed explanation 这枝笔(subject)+用起来(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement)+很(adverb)+方便(adjective)。 |
◆Vocabulary note (verb+ derived meaning of directional complement):(verb+ derived meaning of directional complement) to use |
Wow~. After all, "practice is better than learning"!

If you find the derivative meanings of directional complements interesting, you have a good sense of Chinese. wonderful. It is a perfect subject to capture the image and feeling of Chinese.