Japan-Australia Leaders’ Meeting, October 22, 2022
2022年10月22日、岸田文雄内閣総理大臣は、アンソニー・アルバニージー・オーストラリア連邦首相(The Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia)と日豪首脳会談を行いました。今回は、これを題材として速読即解のトレーニングを進めましょう。
Japan-Australia Leaders’ Meeting
On October 22, commencing at 10:40 a.m. (local time; 11:40 p.m. on October 22 JST) for approximately 90 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who is visiting Perth, Australia, held a leaders’ meeting with the Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia. Before the leaders’ meeting began, Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Albanese held a tete-a-tete meeting for about 35 minutes.
1.At the outset, Prime Minister Albanese welcomed Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Australia, particularly Western Australia and expressed his desire to cooperate to further strengthen relationship between Japan and Australia. Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and stated that Japan and Australia, which share strategic interests and fundamental values, have been working closely together to realize a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" and that Japan and Australia have developed into core component for the cooperation among like-minded countries. The two leaders then shared the view that given the deepening of cooperation, particularly in the areas of security and defense cooperation, "Free and Open Indo-Pacific," and resources and energy, the "Special Strategic Partnership" between Japan and Australia has elevated to a new level.
2.The two leaders concurred that under the increasingly severe security environment, Japan and Australia have been steadily developing a framework for security and defense cooperation and promoting security cooperation, including operational aspects. Based on this foundation, the two leaders shared the view that the new Japan-Australia Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation to be issued today is a compass that will guide the direction of Japan-Australia security and defense cooperation for the next 10 years. The two leaders concurred to further strengthen security and defense cooperation, including cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces and the Australian Defence Force in accordance with this Declaration.
外務省ホームページ(英語版)Japan-Australia Relations 記事より
On October 22, / commencing at 10:40 a.m. (local time; 11:40 p.m. on October 22 JST) / for approximately 90 minutes, / Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, / who is visiting Perth, Australia, / held a leaders’ meeting / with the Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia.
On October 22, | 《英語のまま理解》開催日 |
commencing at 10:40 a.m. (local time; 11:40 p.m. on October 22 JST) | 《英語のまま理解》会議が始まった時間(括弧書きは現地時間) |
for approximately 90 minutes, | 《英語のまま理解》開催時間 |
Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, | 《英語のまま理解》岸田首相 |
who is visiting Perth, Australia, | 《英語のまま理解》Perth:(地名)パース |
held a leaders’ meeting | 《英語のまま理解》首脳会談を開催した |
with the Hon. Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia. | 《英語のまま理解》アンソニー・アルバニージー・オーストラリア連邦首相と |
Before the leaders’ meeting began, / Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Albanese / held a tete-a-tete meeting / for about 35 minutes.
Before the leaders’ meeting began, | 《英語のまま理解》首脳会談が始まる前に |
Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Albanese | 《英語のまま理解》岸田首相とアルバニージー首相は |
held a tete-a-tete meeting | 二人だけの会合を開いた tete-a-tete:(形容詞)二人だけの、差し向かいの、内密の |
for about 35 minutes. | 《英語のまま理解》開催時間 |
At the outset, / Prime Minister Albanese welcomed Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Australia, / particularly Western Australia / and expressed his desire to cooperate / to further strengthen relationship between Japan and Australia.
At the outset, | outset:(名詞)初め、発端 at the outset:最初に、冒頭で |
Prime Minister Albanese welcomed Prime Minister Kishida's visit to Australia, | 《英語のまま理解》豪州訪問を歓迎する |
particularly Western Australia | 《英語のまま理解》特にウェスタンオーストラリア州に Western Australia:(地名)ウェスタンオーストラリア州 |
and expressed his desire to cooperate | そして協力することを願う旨述べた express:(動詞)言い表す、表現する desire:(名詞)願い、願望、欲望 cooperate:(動詞)協力する、協同する (注意) フレーズを理解するときに後ろに行ったり、前に戻ったりして日本語に翻訳してはいけません!フレーズを翻訳するのではなくて、フレーズごとの意味を一気にイメージします。 要するに、ここでの説明は、頭の中では、「and / expressed / his desire / to cooperate ➡ そして/述べた/彼の願いを/協力すること」と整理し、一気に「そして協力することを願う旨述べた」というイメージを持つことを意味しています。 |
to further strengthen relationship between Japan and Australia. | 《英語のまま理解》日豪の更なる関係強化 |
Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome / and stated that / Japan and Australia, which share strategic interests and fundamental values, / have been working closely together / to realize a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" / and that Japan and Australia have developed into core component / for the cooperation among like-minded countries.
Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome | 岸田首相は暖かい歓迎に感謝する旨を述べた gratitude:(名詞)謝意、感謝の念 express one's gratitude for~:~に対して感謝する旨を述べる |
and stated that | そして(that以下のことを)述べた state:(動詞)述べる、言及する |
Japan and Australia, which share strategic interests and fundamental values, | 戦略的利益と基本的価値を共有する日豪は interest:(名詞)利益、権益 (注意) フレーズを理解するときに後ろに行ったり、前に戻ったりして日本語に翻訳してはいけません!フレーズを翻訳するのではなくて、フレーズごとの意味を一気にイメージします。 関係代名詞whichがあるので、「日豪」と「戦略的利益と基本的価値を共有する」を分割して順に把握し、一気に全体をイメージします。 |
have been working closely together | 《英語のまま理解》一緒に密接に働いてきている |
to realize a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" | 「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」を実現するために realize:(動詞)実現する、実行する |
and that Japan and Australia have developed into core component | 日豪が中核の構成要素にまで発展したこと developed into:~まで発展する、~まで進展する core:(名詞)中核 component:(名詞)構成要素 |
for the cooperation among like-minded countries. | 同士国家間の連携で cooperation:(名詞)協力、協同、連携 like-minded:(形容詞)同じ心の、同士の |
The two leaders then shared the view / that given the deepening of cooperation, / particularly in the areas of security and defense cooperation, / "Free and Open Indo-Pacific," / and resources and energy, / the "Special Strategic Partnership" between Japan and Australia / has elevated to a new level.
The two leaders then shared the view | 《英語のまま理解》2名のリーダー(両首脳)は意見を共有した |
that given the deepening of cooperation, | 連携の深化していることを考えると Given ~:~を考慮に入れると、~を考えると |
particularly in the areas of security and defense cooperation, | 特に安全保障と防衛協力の領域において security:(名詞)安全、安全保障 |
"Free and Open Indo-Pacific," | 《英語のまま理解》「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」 |
and resources and energy, | 《英語のまま理解》そして資源とエネルギー |
the "Special Strategic Partnership" between Japan and Australia | 《英語のまま理解》日豪間の「特別な戦略的パートナーシップ」は |
has elevated to a new level. | 《英語のまま理解》新しい水準に上がった |
The two leaders concurred that / under the increasingly severe security environment, / Japan and Australia have been steadily developing a framework / for security and defense cooperation / and promoting security cooperation, including operational aspects.
The two leaders concurred that | 《英語のまま理解》2名のリーダー(両首脳)は(that以下のことに)一致した |
under the increasingly severe security environment, | 《英語のまま理解》増大している厳しい安全保障環境下で |
Japan and Australia have been steadily developing a framework | 《英語のまま理解》日豪は着実に枠組みを発展させてきた |
for security and defense cooperation | 《英語のまま理解》安全保障と防衛協力のための |
and promoting security cooperation, including operational aspects. | 運用面を含めた安全保障の推進してきた and promotingはdevelopingと並列関係 prompte:(動詞)促進する、推進する operational:(形容詞)操作上の、運用上の aspect:(名詞)面、様相 |
Based on this foundation, / the two leaders shared the view / that the new Japan-Australia Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation to be issued today is a compass / that will guide the direction of Japan-Australia security and defense cooperation / for the next 10 years.
Based on this foundation, | この基盤に基づき foundation:(名詞)基礎、基盤、根拠 |
the two leaders shared the view | 《英語のまま理解》両首脳は意見を共有した |
that the new Japan-Australia Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation to be issued today is a compass | 本日発出する新たな日豪安全保障協力共同宣言は羅針盤である compass:(名詞)羅針盤、コンパス |
that will guide the direction of Japan-Australia security and defense cooperation | 日豪安全保障・防衛協力の方向を示す guide:(動詞)案内する、(方向を)示す |
for the next 10 years. | 《英語のまま理解》次の10年間 |
The two leaders concurred / to further strengthen security and defense cooperation, / including cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces and the Australian Defence Force / in accordance with this Declaration.
The two leaders concurred | 《英語のまま理解》両首脳は一致した |
to further strengthen security and defense cooperation, | 《英語のまま理解》一層の安全保障・防衛協力を強化すること |
including cooperation between the Self-Defense Forces and the Australian Defence Force | 自衛隊と豪州国防軍との間の協力も含めて the Self-Defense Forces:自衛隊 the Australian Defence Force:豪州国防軍 |
in accordance with this Declaration. | この宣言に従って in accordance with~:~に従って、~のとおりに |
